Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jersey Journal: Parents group to rally at board of ed over water quality

Parents group to rally at board of education over water quality

by The Jersey Journal
Wednesday September 03, 2008, 10:31 AM

A parents group plans to hold a rally today in front of the Jersey City Board of Education to ask for changes in district policy in the wake of tests showing lead in some school water sources.

The rally, by the group Parents and Communities United for Education, will be from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in front of 346 Claremont Ave.

The group is asking the board to create a health and environmental safety committee that includes three parents, an "indoor air quality walk through team" including three parents and issue semi-annual health and safety report cards for each school.

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Jersey Journal: Sullied water sparks rally

Sullied school water sparks rally

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jersey City parents and children rallied outside the Board of Education building yesterday, asking for more transparency and faster action as the district moves to clean up lead found in drinking water at schools this summer.

The final results of the district's voluntary lead testing program, released last month, found that 3 percent of water sources at school buildings have elevated levels of lead, even when the faucets were allowed to run for a few minutes. The federal Environmental Protection Agency lead standard for drinking water is no more than 20-parts-per-billion.

"Now what?" shouted parents, as they marched outside the Claremont Avenue building, chanting and carrying signs.

"Our experience shows that if parents do not speak up, do not organize, then the district procrastinates," said Mahmood Ketabchi, organizer of the Parents and Communities United for Education rally.

PCUE leaders demanded a timeline for the district's lead clean-up by the end of the month, creation of a BOE standing committee dedicated to environmental issues, an indoor air quality walk-through that includes parents, and a semi-annual health and safety report card for each school.

Within 30 days, the district will announce a permanent remedy to the elevated lead problem, said Roger Jones, a spokesman for the district.

Any water sources that showed elevated levels of lead were shut off and water coolers were dispatched to the schools, he added.

"We're on their side whether they understand it or not," Jones said, referring to the ralliers. "We welcome this dialogue. By no means are our doors closed."

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pictures From Rally for Healthy Schools

More Pictures From Rally for Healthy Schools

Press Release: Parents Want Healthy Schools

Parents &


United for


For Immediate Release

Sept. 3, 2008

Rally for Healthy Schools, Wednesday, 12:30pm Sept. 3

Parents Urge Epps and School Board on Safe Water

and Healthy Schools

Parents and Communities United for Education (PCUE), the Jersey City’s public school reform organization, plans to rally in front of the Board of Education at 346 Claremont Avenue, JC. The rally will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 3, one day before schools open. The rally is intended to bring public attention to the continued low standards in school health and environmental safety, in particular the lead problem, when more than 28,000 Jersey City children are starting a new school year. Participants at the rally will also urge Charles Epps, School District Superintendent, and the Jersey City Board of Education to adopt and implement PCUE’s proposed initiative. PCUE’s proposal would create the necessary tools to identify and take preventive measures before health hazards become a major problem, similar to the lead fiasco, jeopardizing the health and academic performance of our children as well as costing our school district an enormous amount of money.

PCUE’s Proposed Initiative Include:

  1. Creating a standing committee of the Board of Education that is exclusively responsible for the health and environmental safety of our schools. Three parents should be a part of this committee.
  2. Creating an Indoor Air Quality Walkthrough Team following EPA guidelines at the district level. This team should include parents.
  3. Issuing semi-annual health and safety report cards for each school to parents of children in Jersey City. The report card should be sent to parents via mail and posted on the District's website.

LueElla McFadden, President of PCUE and a great grandmother of a child in School # 38 stated that “we cannot allow another debacle like the lead problem to occur or a school to be closed because of mold problems.” “Our schools in this city are by and large very old, some over 100 years. Our school district must make health and environmental safety a top priority,“ she added.

Plan to Remediate Lead Problem

On August 6, 08, the JC Board of Education released the final test results for the last set of schools. A tally of the test results for all schools shows that more than 10% of water sources tested have elevated lead in the first draw - samples taken after the water source have not been used for at least 8 hours, and about 3% in the second draw - samples taken after the water had been allowed to run from water sources for a few minutes.

“The Board has announced that they plan to develop a remediation plan to correct the lead problem. But they have not said when such plan would be ready,” said Edna Williams, Vice President of PCUE and a grandmother of two children in School # 34. “We are concerned that our school officials will procrastinate as they did with the testing. This is about our children and their health, and we do not take it lightly. We are asking the Board to develop a remediation plan with a clear timeline by the end of September. Also, as parents and members of the community we want to know what that plan is. Therefore, they should share that plan with the public,” she stated.

Loyda Goldston, PCUE First Vice President said, “In any schools where water is completely or partially shut off, children must be given clean bottled water and not told to bring their own drinking water.” “The board also expects parents to send toilet paper to school with their children. That is ridiculous! Our schools have a budget of $630 million. Today we have brought with us rolls of toilet paper and a pack of bottled water to the board. This is our first and last donation. We need them to do their job.”

PCUE is a grassroots organization of parents, grandparents, and concerned members of the community. It is a chapter of the Statewide Education Organizing Committee of NJ. PCUE is committed to organizing parents in all Jersey City communities to improve education for our children. Since March of this year PCUE has launched a campaign ensuring that all our schools are tested for lead and parents and community are notified about the testing schedule and test results. For more information, parents are invited to call 201-918-2918 or visit the blog at



September 2, 2008 LueElla McFadden, President—201-918-2918

Loyda Goldston, 1st Vice-president-- 973-204-4121

Press Advisory: Rally for Healthy Schools

Parents &


United for



Tuesday, August 27 Luella McFadden, President: 201-918-2918

Loyda Goldston, First Vice-president 973-204-4121

Rally 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3

Parents Urge Epps and School Board on Safe Water

and Healthy Schools

The city’s grassroots public school reform organization, Parents and Communities United for Education (PCUE), will call on Jersey City Schools District Superintendent Charles T. Epps and the Jersey City Board of Education to adopt and implement PCUE’s healthy school proposals, previously submitted. In particular, PCUE will urge school officials to immediately develop both short-term and full scale plans to remediate the problem of lead in drinking water at Jersey City’s public schools. The advanced age of the city’s public school buildings – most are several decades old and some are over hundred years old -- calls for urgent attention to creating a healthy and safe school environment. A healthy school not only contributes to the comfort, health, and well-being of students but also allows students to perform better academically.

What: Rally to highlight the need for healthy schools for Jersey City children. Participants at the rally will carry signs. They will “donate” a case of bottled water and a pack of toilet paper to the Board of Education urging them to provide our children with safe water and sufficient toilet paper for restrooms.

When: Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008, 12:30 p.m.

Where: Jersey City Board of Education

346 Claremont Avenue, Jersey City

Parents and Communities United for Education (PCUE) is the Jersey City chapter of the Statewide Education Organizing Committee (SEOC). PCUE is a grassroots and direct action organization working to improve Jersey City public schools. Since March of this year, PCUE has launched a campaign assuring that school officials test all our schools for lead in the drinking water and notify parents and the community of the testing schedule and test results.

169-A Martine Luther King Drive, Jersey City, NJ 07305


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