Saturday, April 11, 2009

Board of Education Adopts PCUE Healthy School Report Card

Click on the images above to enlarge and read the report card:

Health and Safety Report Card

Beginning in October, 2008, PCUE focused its efforts around the collaborative development of a health-and-safety report card that could be used on a semi-annual basis, with the help of parents, to identify elements in the physical school environment that could negatively impact student health. With assistance from the NJ Work Environmental Council, an initial check list for a report-card was circulated by SEOC-PCUE among the members of the Jersey City Board of Education. At the urging of PCUE parents, the President of the Jersey City Board of Education, Mr. William DeRosa, who had taken an interest in the issue, drafted a sample report card to be reviewed by PCUE. Leaders of PCUE revised the report card and refined it with the help of the UMDNJ-SPH and the NJ Safe Schools Program (Dr. Shendell); the process involved three drafts between November, 2008 and January, 2009. The health-and-safety report card developed through this collaboration, which can be used as a self-administered walk-through survey by one person or a team of people in classrooms and other buildings on campus, was adopted by the Facility Committee of the Jersey City Board of Education on January 25, 2009. SEOC-PCUE's crucial role in this process revolved around generating the community interest and political will necessary to make this a priority issue for the school board, and receiving science and engineering based input from UMDNJ-SPH.

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